Saturday, January 25, 2020
Factors Affecting Quality Of Higher Education Education Essay
Factors Affecting Quality Of Higher Education Education Essay The higher education sector is very crucial in education and has a leading role in all walks of life. When providing for quality education quality products can be produced. Higher education provided by the public sector in Mauritius is unable to meet the demands for a seat at the university. Private sector institutions are competing with the public sector institutions in education. The number of higher education institutions in both sectors in Mauritius is increasing. Thus, the study is aimed at analysing the quality of education offered at the University of Mauritius. The purposes of the study were; (a) To analyze the quality of services offered by the University of Mauritius. (b) To investigate the quality of students of the University of Mauritius. (c) To understand the level of increasing demands for courses at the University of Mauritius. The population of study was students from the different faculties of the University of Mauritius. The sample was two hundred full-time students; all attending a degree programme from the five faculties of the university. Data were tabulated, the amount of variables was reduced using the principal component analysis (factor analysis) and then analyzed using a logistic regression. Chapter 1: Introduction Higher education usually includes advanced education consisting of three to seven years after graduation leading to some specialisation to qualify for a professional activity or for employment in executive positions in business, industry, or government service. In Mauritius, higher education is the top most level of three sector education system. Higher education is the most important level of education because it develops the manpower for the country that leads the nation in giving insight into its future ideals, resources, problems and its solutions. The future of a nation depends largely on the quality of people groomed in the institution of higher education. Higher education in Mauritius can be traced back to the establishment of the School of Agriculture within the Department of Agriculture in 1914, which became integrated into the UoM when it was established in 1965.After that, many institutions have been established in the private and public sector that are providing higher education in the fields of medical, engineering, information technology, computer sciences, business studies and commerce. With the growing role of private institutions in catering higher education, the need was felt to evaluate the quality of education and services offered at the University of Mauritius which is a public sector institution. All over the world the universities are recognised as centres of higher learning, which are considered as expedients agents of development in the nation building. Universities generate, disseminate and utilise knowledge. As primary contributors to economic growth, they produce scientists, engineers, professionals, technicians, scholars, managers and men of exquisite capabilities. The capacity of a nation to develop economically, socially, politically and culturally derives largely from the power to develop and utilize the capabilities of its people. Chapter 2: Literature Review Higher Education The term higher education is usually used to distinguish courses of study, which result in the award of a degree, Diploma or similar advanced qualification, for various kinds of further education (Lawton and Gordon. 1993). Higher education constitutes the stage of education which starts after 15 years of schooling for the intellectual work and advanced training of students for their effective leadership role in all walks of national life. Tertiary education level is higher than that attainable on completion of a full secondary education. An accepted definition of higher education is that higher education requi res as minimum requirements for admission, the successful completion of secondary education or evidence of the acquisition of an equivalent level of knowledge (Terry and Thomas, 1979). Higher education includes all education above level of the secondary school given in Colleges, Universities Graduate Schools, Professional Schools, Technical Colleges and Normal Schools (Good, 1973). Higher education is simply the highest part of the education system, in terms of students progression, the acquisition of education qualifications, its status and its influence over the rest of the educational system. Higher education is said to impart the deepest understanding in the minds of students, rather than the relatively superficial grasp that might be acceptable elsewhere in the system. In higher education, nothing can be taken on trust and the students have to think for themselves so as to be able to stand on their own feet, intellectually speaking (Barnett, 1997). Higher education is thought to advance students to the frontiers of knowledge through their being taught by those who are working in that difficult territory. Sanyal (1982) says that in order to achieve the new international order, there is the need for integrating socio-economic policies with educational policies in each country, as stronger co-operation amongst the third world countries in field of higher education. Development of higher education should not only be contingent upon economic development to achieve the new international order but should promote the development of culture in view often fact that role of science and technology, the life-style and the very sense and value of life under-go changes in the future. Objectives of higher education All over the world the universities are recognised as centres of higher learning, which are considered as expedient agents of development in the nation building. Universities generate, disseminate and utilise knowledge. As primary contributors to economic growth, they produce scientists, engineers, professionals, technicians, scholars, managers and men of exquisite capabilities. The goal of higher education is to meet two principal needs: socio-cultural and developmental of a country. Higher education is an opportunity for individuals to develop their potential. It fulfils the needs for high-level manpower in a society. Its objectives include cultural and material development. It produces individuals who are morally sound and capable of multifarious roles in the society. It is a medium and vehicle for achieving an objective of higher vision, should endeavours, with commitment and larger spending, in higher education (Govt. Of Pakistan, 1999). A countrys social and economic development depends on the nature and level of higher education. This fact is revealed by the statements and findings concluded by the prominent educationists and decision-makers. In the developed countries, the role of higher education in production of high quality human capital is quite evident. The Governor of the State of Kentucky, Paul Patten, once said, I have staked my success as governor on changing the way we deliver higher education to our people. Education and economic development are the twin rails that will lead us to a higher plateau and help us achieve our goal of raising the standard of living in our state. My experience in creating jobs, as the secretary of the economic development, during my term as lieutenant governor, has helped me focus on the needs of our businesses. Those businesses are the customers of our product: the graduates in higher education. Increased technology and global competition demand that we develop our students s kills and mental capacity so they can share in the tremendous prosperity of our nation. He further emphasized on the quality of higher education and the need for its improvement. He commented, higher education is in trouble. The warning signs could not be clear. Its users (students and families) think it charges a premium price for an increasingly mediocre service. Its primary suppliers (secondary schools) often fail to deliver material that meets minimum standards, and its beneficiaries (employers) often are frustrated by the quality of the finished product (McGill,1992). Factors affecting Quality of Higher Education The quality of higher education may be enhanced through providing proper professional training to the teachers by revising the existing curricula. Higher education is the most important level of education because it develops the manpower for the country that leads the nation in giving insight into its future ideals, resources, problems, and its solutions. The future of a nation depends largely on the quality of people groomed in the institution of higher education. Factors that contribute the most are the level of competency of teachers, curricula and the standards of students intake, in the deteriorating quality of higher education. Nevertheless inappropriate funding for student support services, libraries, journals, books, ill equipped laboratories and lack of repair facilities for equipment and non qualified staff are crucial factors in education. Salaries and other allowances consume the university budget, thus, little is left for the items so essential for raising the quality of education. Budgetary constraints, particularly for operation, adversely affect the quality of teaching, especially practical training. 2.3.1 Students Experiences Students experiences of their learning and the teaching in the subjects they are studying are one of the more ubiquitous sources of information about the quality of teaching for institutions and individual academics. 2.3.2 Student to Staff Ratios While at the level of the institution student: staff ratios (SSRs) may seem to be a direct consequence of funding levels, institutions in practice spend funds on buildings, on administration, on central services, on marketing, on teachers undertaking research, and so on, to very varying extents, rather than spending it all on teaching time. Low SSRs offer the potential to arrange educational practices that are known to improve educational outcomes. First, close contact with teachers is a good predictor of educational outcomes (Pascarella and Terenzini, 2005) and close contact is more easily possible when there are not too many students for each teacher to make close contact with. Second, the volume, quality and timeliness of teachers feedback on students assignments are also good predictors of educational outcomes and again this requires that teachers do not have so many assignments to mark that they cannot provide enough, high-quality feedback, promptly. A gain, low SSRs do not guar antee good feedback or feedback from experienced teachers. 2.3.3 Classroom-Size Meta-analysis of large numbers of studies of class-size effects has shown that the more students there are in a class, the lower the level of student achievement (Glass and Smith, 1978, 1979). Other important variables are also negatively affected by class size, such as the quality of the educational process in class (what teachers do), the quality of the physical learning environment, the extent to which student attitudes are positive and the extent of them exhibiting behaviour conducive to learning (Smith and Glass, 1979). These negative class-size effects are greatest for younger students and smallest for students 18 or over (ibid.), but the effects are still quite substantial in higher education. Lindsay and Paton-Saltzberg (1987) found in an English polytechnic that the probability of gaining an A grade is less than half in a module enrolling 50-60 than it is in a module enrolling less than 20. Large classes have negative effects not only on performance but also on the quality o f student engagement: students are more likely to adopt a surface approach in a large class (Lucas et al., 1996) and so to only try to memorise rather than attempt to understand. 2.3.4 Class Contact Hours The number of class contact hours has very little to do with educational quality, independently of what happens in those hours, what the pedagogical model is, and what the consequences are for the quantity and quality of independent study hours. Independent study hours, to a large extent, reflect class contact hours: if there is less teaching then students study more and if there is more teaching students study less, making up total hours to similar totals regardless of the ratio of teaching to study hours (Vos, 1991). However, some pedagogic systems use class contact in ways that are very much more effective than others at generating effective independent study hours. A review of data from a number of studies by Gardiner (1997) found an average of only 0.7 hours of out-of-class studying for each hour in class, in US colleges. I n contrast each hour of the University of Oxfords tutorials generate on average 11 hours of independent study (Trigwell and Ashwin, 2004). 2.3.5 Teaching Qualifications Teachers who have teaching qualifications (normally a Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education, or something similar) have been found to be rated more highly by their students than teachers who have no such qualification (Nasr et al., 1996). This finding was in a context where obtaining such a qualification was largely voluntary, and those who have the qualification might be considered to be different in some way from those who have not, and this could be argued to invalidate the comparison. The difference might concern the extent of professionalism or commitment to teaching, but nevertheless there was no control group in the study. A longitudinal study that overcomes this objection has examined the impact over time on students ratings of their teachers, and on teachers thinking about teaching, of (mainly) compulsory initial training during their first year of university teaching, in eight countries. It found improvements on every scale of the Student E valuation of Educational Q uality, a questionnaire developed in the US (Marsh, 1982) and tested for use in the U K (Coffey and Gibbs, 2000), and improvements in the sophistication of teachers thinking (as measured by the Approaches to Teaching Inventory, a measure of teaching that predicts the quality of student learning, Trigwell et al., 2004). This improvement in measures of teaching quality could not be attributed to mere maturation or experience as teachers in a control group in institutions without any initial training were found to get worse over their first year, on the same measures (Gibbs and Coffey, 2004). Functions of higher education The capacity of a nation to develop economically, socially, politically and culturally derives largely from the power to develop and utilise the capabilities of its people. Higher education thus is considered sine qua non of national development, for it produces the highest level of manpower. In all advanced countries, the universities constitute the main spring of human capital. The most successful discharge of the universities role as a change agent is in the area of science and technology. The training of high-level scientific manpower is a matter of vital national concern. Higher education is today recognised as a capital investment in education. It is considered investment of human capital which increases labour productivity furthers technological innovation and produces a rate of return markedly higher than that of physical capital. Today we find the world divided into developed and developing countries. The dividing line between them is the capacity of educational and scientific attainments and its application for economic progress and prosperity (The World Bank, 1990). In modern times, higher education is considered as a means of human resource development in a society. In advanced countries, universities constitute the main spring of knowledge, ideas and innovations. Today, the most successful discharge of a university as an agent of change is in the area of science and technology. The priming and grooming of high-level professional manpower is a matter of vital concern. As a pathway to socio-economic development in a country, higher education cannot be ignored or given low priority. Higher education in a state of rapid development everywhere in the world as its benefits to the social, economic and cultural life of different communities is realisable. This has led to worldwide exponential expansion of universities and colleges; as many more people are encouraged remaining in education. However there are problems. First, higher education is expensive, and its expansion requires ample resources. Second, rapid expansion raises problems of quality ass urance and control, as increased numbers could so easily lead to a decline in standards. Third, expansion in the developing world often draws upon the resources, ideas and expertise of the developed world, even though these may not always be appropriate for every different economic and social system (North, 1997). Higher education plays a vital role in the development of a society. For centuries, tertiary institutions had the important role of educating our future political leaders, professionals of tomorrow, businessmen, religious and social philosophers, who serve the community, enrich its values and develop its resources. Universities are complex organisations with multiple missions and a myriad of roles. A university has the roles of providing of theoretical education and professional training, a developer and a disseminator of new knowledge, a catalyst to shape the practice of management and business and a contributor to the community and the national economy (Khurshid, 1998). 2.5 The Education system in Mauritius Mauritius educational system has for root the British one, as the island was a British colony long ago. After independence in 1968, the new government invested considerably in human and material resources for the education sector and progress has been noticed and reached in terms of a per capita grant to children of 3+ and 4+, primary education was free, as well as textbooks, compulsory secondary education up to 16. Higher education courses were offered at University of Mauritius and the University of Technology for affordable fees. Since 1977, secondary education has been free. As for full time undergraduate level at the University of Mauritius, it was free since 1988. Free education is funded by the State which strain huge budgets and subsidize a big part of the grant aided secondary schools expenses. With universal primary education being achieved in the 1970s, free education in 1977, and legislation making education up to 16 years of age compulsory, the challenges policyà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã makers have had to face have related to broadening access at the higher education level, improving quality, and strengthening the management of the sector (while ensuring equity). The financing of higher education is basically via the government and students/parents. Students enrolled in public higher educational institutions are funded to a very large extent by the government. Students enrolled in local private higher education institutions and those in overseas institutions pay the full cost of their education. The key factors influencing the quality of higher education are the quality of faculty, curriculum standards, technological infrastructure available, research environment, accreditation regime and the administrative policies and procedures implemented in institutions of higher learning. The overall vision of government was spelt out in the New Economic Agenda formulated in 2000. The main challenge was to move gradually away from traditional sectors to the services sector. The objective was to diversify manufacturing into higher valueà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã added markets and to consolidate services (financial, ICT, etc.) as a fourth pillar of economic development. To attract new investment and to maintain the countrys competitiveness, a highly productive skilled workforce was seen as imperative. With a view to setting Mauritius on a higher growth path, the country has recognised the importance of developing higher education as a regional hub for high quality education and training, to ensure that the knowledge industry acts as a catalyst in broadening the Mauritian economy, and in providing the necessary support to the existing and upcoming sectors. There has been a dramatic paradigm shift in the development strategy mooted by the government. In summary, it has been accepted by government that the education system, especially higher education, needs to be reà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã orientated to respond more effectively. Higher education in Mauritius can be traced back to the establishment of the School of Agriculture within the Department of Agriculture in 1914, which became integrated into the UoM when it was established in 1965. However, it was only in postà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã independent Mauritius that several public higher education institutions were created, which were complementary to UoM. Over the years the higher education sector has become increasingly diversified. 2.5.1 Pre-Primary Sector This sector caters for children 4+ and since a few years for 3+. The State provides a grant of R 200 per child. The private institutions occupy 80% of the educational provision in the sector. The following measures are part of policy developments to consolidate the sector: Strengthening the institutional and regulatory framework for the provision of Early Childhood Care and Education. Reduction of disparity among pre-schools. Addressing the problem of out-of-schools pre-primary children due to absolute poverty. Developing a National Curriculum Framework for the pre-primary subsector. Ensuring readiness of all pre-primary school children for primary school. Construction of pre-primary units in disadvantaged areas Strengthening partnerships with parents through a Parent Empowerment Program. 2.5.2 Primary sector The enrolment in primary school takes effect at the age of five and enters the Standard I and moves gradually up to Standard VI. The CPE is an examination carried out at national level in all schools and follows a grading system. There are five compulsory subjects: English, French, Mathematics, Science and History and Geography. The grading process works on the five best grades along with Asian/Arabic languages. Several initiatives have been implemented in primary institutions to improve the CPE results. This gave rise to the Zones d Education Prioritaires (Z.E.P.). This targets those schools with low performance over 5 consecutive years. Later on in 2011, Enhancement Programme was introduced for STD III and IV. Moreover, the Sankorà © project was one where STD IV classes were equipped with interactive wall fixed projectors. 2.5.3 Secondary sector For a child to be admitted to a secondary college, it all depends on the CPE results. There are three categories of secondary schools: State owned grant-aided private schools, and fully private fee-paying schools. The secondary school experience begins with Form 1 up to Form VI, an achievement of seven years. Since 2010, a national curriculum has been set up for Forms I-III. The curriculum encloses all subjects up to Form III including English, French, Mathematics and the Social and Hard Sciences. When reaching Form IV, students are offered option form where they have to choose at least six major subjects for O-level exams in Form V. Later, for A Level examination, students will have to specialize in 3 main subjects and 2 subsidiary subjects. These two important examinations are undertaken by the University of Cambridge through the University of Cambridge International Examinations which sets up the syllabus, prepares the examination papers and undertakes correction for most subjects. 2.5.4 TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) The Mauritius Institute of Training and Development (MITD) is the main provider of the TVET program. Its purpose is to offer a variety of technical programs to students willing to meet the needs of the world of work at a middle professional level. Courses at the National Diploma are also provided at the MITD. The TVET sector is monitored and regulated by the Mauritius Qualifications Authority. 2.5.5 Tertiary sector It was in 1924 that tertiary education started with the College of Agriculture. It has developed and diversified; it now composes of public, private, regional and overseas institutions offering for a wide choice of courses and programmes. Through years, this education sector has given rise to other institutions with different characteristics and disciplines. Distance education has also been part of the sector. Some important institutions of the public sector are the University of Mauritius (UoM), the University of Technology (UTM), the Mauritius Institute of Education (MIE), the Mahatma Gandhi Institute (MGI), the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development (MITD) and the Open University of Mauritius (OUM). Besides all these, the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) is responsible for the allocation of public funds, planning, and coordination of post-secondary education and training as well. In addition, private institutions are more and more present in the tertiary education sector where they are proposing courses in areas like Information Technology, Law, Accountancy and Finance, and Management. 2.6 The University of Mauritius The University of Mauritius (UOM) is a national University of Mauritius. It is the oldest and largest Mauritian university in terms of student enrollment and curriculum offered. It is situated at Rà ©duit, Moka. The University was inaugurated on 24th March 1972 by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II accompanied by His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh. Over the past decades, in response to the contemporaneous and emergent needs of the various sectors of the Mauritian economy, the university now has progressed from being a mostly in-service training institution to a fully-fledged university, concentrating increasingly on bachelors degrees, postgraduate programmes, research and consultancy. The universitys current strategic plan, Strategic Directions 2006-2015, has the following six strategic directions: Knowledge creation Knowledge diffusion Investing in resources Quality culture and good governance National, regional and international collaborations Community outreach The University of Mauritius has committed itself to continuous improvement and quality management. These are the actions that the university is trying to cater for: Ensuring relevance interact proactively with the world of work and the community to cater for emergent requirements while inculcating a wider sense of belonging to the university. Ensuring quality of teaching and learning enhance existing provisions for continuous improvement in the quality of teaching and learning, and work progressively towards the implementation of best practice. Strengthen research develop further the universitys research capacity and research management plan. Internationalize the university improve the international standing of the university and expand its role and programme of activities. Amongst Mauritian universities the UoM stands out both in terms of its dominance with regard to enrolment and it numerous pockets of excellence with regard to research. The UoM is the largest supplier of tertiary education locally, accounting for 22.2% of total higher education enrolment. Faculties Originally, the university had three schools, namely Agriculture, Administration and Industrial Technology. It has since expanded to comprise five faculties, namely Faculty Of Agriculture, Faculty Of Engineering, Faculty Of Law and Management, Faculty Of Science, and Faculty Of Social Studies Humanities. The faculties are involved in teaching, research and consultancy. It has also a Centre for Medical Research and Studies, a Centre for Distance Education, a Centre for Information Technology and Systems, and a Consultancy Centre. Following these on-campus developments and expansions, it resulted in a simultaneous increase in the number and in the diversity of programmes being offered, and the number of students enrolled. The programmes of the University are internationally recognized and include quality assurance mechanisms such as the external examiner system and affiliated with renowned Universities worldwide. There is a Quality Assurance Office which helps the University in maintaining and improving the quality of all its activities. There are various exchange agreements that have been established between the UOM and overseas universities. Students Union The Students Union, established in 1971, is run by and for the students. It work in the interest of students and regularly organize various activities. All students are members, the membership fee being included in the registration. Students are very dynamic in organizing extracurricular activities supported by the Public Relations Office. Chapter 3: Research Methodology 3.1 Problem Statement and Research Objectives When the problem has been clearly defined and the objectives of the research precisely stated the research can be designed properly. As it is often said, a problem well defined is a solved one. The problem statement for this study is that there is each year a high level of demand for a seat at University of Mauritius though there are other tertiary institutions in Mauritius. This study tries to find out the reasons behind this high demand. For this dissertation the research objectives are: To analyze the quality of services offered by the University of Mauritius. To investigate the quality of students of the University of Mauritius. To understand the level of increasing demands for courses at the University of Mauritius. To achieve the objectives mentioned above, a questionnaire has been administered to the different students in the form of face to face interview to collect information about the different factors affecting their learning experience at the University of Mauritius and hence facilitating the analysis of the information gathered. 3.2 Determine Research Design Research design can be considered as the basic plan which guides the data collection and analysis phases of the research project. There are three main types of research used in projects: Descriptive research Causal research Exploratory research Exploratory research is unstructured, informal research undertaken to have background information when the researcher does not know much about the problem. On the other hand in the descriptive method, research problem is well defined and structured and can be used to answer questions such as who, why, where, what and how (Burns and Bush, 2003), whereas causal research examines the effect of one variable on another one. The research undertaken in this study is descriptive in nature. The purpose of the research is to investigate, analyse and evaluate the student learning experience at the University of Mauritius. Data sources and Data Collection Primary data The only steps involved in collecting data is to look for primary data which consists of information collected for the first time to meet the specific needs of the investigation of the researcher. These can be in the form of letters, e-mails and interviews. Primary sources are more supportive, they address directly the requirements of the researcher though it might be costly.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Explain what is meant by the term national curriculum Essay
The basic school curriculum includes the national curriculum, religious education and sex education. The national curriculum is a set of subjects and standards used by primary and secondary schools so children learn the same things it is defined by four key stages to be spread over the 12 years of compulsory years of schooling. It covers what subjects are taught and the standards children should reach in each subject. Other types of schools such as academies and private schools donââ¬â¢t have to follow the national curriculum. Academies must teach a broad and balanced curriculum including English, maths and science. They must also teach religious education. The national curriculum is organised into four key stages at the end of each key stage, the pupilââ¬â¢s teacher will formally assess their performance to measure the pupilââ¬â¢s progress. This will set targets for learning and will also show how performance will be assessed and then reported. For each subject thereââ¬â¢s a programme of study, it describes what children should learn. Discuss 5 factors that influence learning The influence of other people can have an affect the pupils learning the ways in which this can happen is by the way there family encourage learning if their family encourages and is enthusiastic about learning the student is more likely to be enthusiastic and therefore become a more effective learner if the students family do not promote the benefits of learning this can make the child less enthusiastic giving them an undervalued opinion of learning and education and affecting their capabilities.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Themes- Wilfred Owen - 947 Words
Wilfred Owenââ¬â¢s poems have numerous themes that explore the negativity of war. Owens poems talk about the truth of war. The poems focus on the fear of war, horror, sacrifice, glory and questioning lifeââ¬â¢s purpose. . In particular, the poems ââ¬Å"Mental Casesâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Dulce Decorum Estâ⬠both strongly emphasise the reality and horrific experiences of war. Dulce Et Decorum Est shows what it was like during the war and what the soldiers experienced. Mental Cases explores the aftermath of the war and the lives of those young soldiers. Mental Cases is a strong and powerful poem that concerns the aftermath of war. The poem alludes to many horrific memories that each soldier witnessed and shows that each memory is there forever. The poem builds up to theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦War is so inhumane that Owen wonders what the purpose of life is. Millions of young men should not be fatigued, weary or old before their time and this is what war has done to them. Owen has used a similes to show this ââ¬Å"Bent double, like old beggars under sacksâ⬠to emphasise how they had to live and ââ¬Å"serveâ⬠their country. This is not humane for anyone and Owen wanted to convey this to warn people about the horrible events that happen to men at war. In the second stanza Owen has used repetition and grammar ââ¬Å"Gas! Gas! Quick boys!â⬠to emphasise the urgency needed to escape the deadly weapons being used. The fear of the ââ¬Å"gasâ⬠is highlighted as a major threat because of its silent nature which contrasts to the loud sounds of artillery. The men are dying from this weapon and each solider has the fear of dying or knowing they are going to be watching their friends die. The suspenseful nature created by this grammar draws the reader in and evokes feeling. This horrendous event is shown in a simile ââ¬Å"As under the green sea, I saw him drowningâ⬠. This suggests why monstrous images are kept in these soldiers minds forever. Wilfred Owens poems have a number of themes including the fear of war, horror sacrifice, glory and the questioning of lifeââ¬â¢s purpose. Whilst both texts explore different periods of the war they both are similar in accentuating how the individualShow MoreRelatedEssay about Wilfred Owen Speech891 Words à |à 4 Pagesboth written by Wilfred Owen. I would choose these two poems to be in an anthology because I found the poems to be very dramatic and extremely detailed. Owen intends to shock us by demonstrating what a soldier might expect in a situation between life and death. He is not afraid to show his own feelings. Wilfred Owen is an anti-war poet and expresses his ideas and feelings through various themes and poetic devices which I will be discussing throughout this speech. Wilfred Owensââ¬â¢ themes portray his attitudeRead More Comparing Irony of War in Dulce et Decorum, Regeneration, and Quiet on the Western Front1165 Words à |à 5 PagesThey were no longer boys but callous men. 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Owen and many other ww1 poets were a contrast to traditional poems. They wrote about war realistically. They wrote from personal experience. They include horrific details of death and injury. They also criticized those who were running the war. Wilfred Owen was born in 1893 into a middle-class family. His family came under financial difficulties and his education was stuntedRead More The Healing Power of Poetry Essay1663 Words à |à 7 Pages We see this specific form of self-help directly in the Hydra. The Hydra itself is a wartime journal of different genres of writing from poetry, to essays, to cartooning, to lettering (Lee). Wilfred Owen, the editor, lived from 1893-1918, and produced the journal during his time at Craiglockhart (Lee). Owen gained much progress in his writing at Craiglockhart, especially after he became friends with Sassoon. They ended up editing each others writing while working on the Hydra at the same time (Rusche)Read MoreWar and Death in Soldier Written by Rupert Brooke Essay1180 Words à |à 5 PagesSometimes it has to happen for good to triumph over bad. War poets like Wilfred Owen, writer of Anthem for doomed youth focus on death in war and the dehumanization of solders. In contrast Soldier written by Rupert Brooke thinks that to die in war, to be the noblest death. And Siegfried Sassoonââ¬â¢s Suicide in the trenches focuses on the youthful soldiers deaths being the responsibility of war p romoters. Anthem for Doomed Youth Owens Anthem for Doomed Youth is written from a soldierââ¬â¢s perspective and isRead MoreComparing the Ways Michael Herr in Dispatches and Pat Barker in Regeneration Show the Effects of War2879 Words à |à 12 Pageswho were there. As an autobiography centered around Herrs experience of Vietnam Dispatches provides a different reading experience to Barkers novel, which is loosely based on the real life meeting between Siegfried Sassoon, Wilfred Owen and Dr. W.H.R Rivers at Craiglockhart War Hospital during The First World War. Due to the different approaches the structure of the books is different and that affects how the effect of war is shown. Dispatches is a tapestry of Read MoreHow Does ââ¬ËExposureââ¬â¢ by Wilfred Owen Tackle the Theme of War?1257 Words à |à 6 Pagesdoes ââ¬ËExposureââ¬â¢ by Wilfred Owen tackle the Theme of War? ââ¬ËExposureââ¬â¢ is a war poem written by Wilfred Owen in 1917 which describes how it felt like to be a soldier fighting war in the winter season. Owen focuses on the weather and shows how they are suffering more from the cold than getting wounded and hurt from the enemy which is not typical in war poetry. He has used a lot of figurative language and literary techniques to portray the cold and the soldiersââ¬â¢ feelings. Firstly, Owen applies figurativeRead MoreCompare How Robert Frost and Wilfred Owen Communicate the Theme of Loss in ââ¬ËOut, Out-ââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Å"Disabledâ⬠.1650 Words à |à 7 PagesCompare how Robert Frost and Wilfred Owen communicate the theme of loss in ââ¬ËOut, Out-ââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Å"Disabledâ⬠. In the two poems ââ¬Å"Out, Out-â⬠and ââ¬Å"Disabledâ⬠, a similar theme of loss is portrayed. Both of these poems deal with the subject of physical loss, as both protagonists of these poems experience accidental amputation. Both Robert Frost and Wilfred Owen manage to captivate their audienceââ¬â¢s attention, and also a certain degree of sympathy for the protagonistsââ¬â¢ misfortune. They do this successfully
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Champagne Fairs - 1915 Words
The first of the three themes stated by Abu- Lughod is the European Subsystem and how it plays a roll in the world system. Three topics emerge from this theme: Cities of the Champagne Fairs (51), Bruges and Ghent (commercial and industrial cities of Flanders) (78), and the merchant mariners of Genoa and Venice (102). First, Champagne fairs. Champagne fairs were an annual cycle of trading fairs held in towns within the Champagne region. Unfortunately the Champagne region does not involve champagne. The Champagne region is northeast of France, lying between the boundaries of Belgium and Paris, not excluding contemporary North Africa. Champagne fairs were crucial in rekindling medieval Europeââ¬â¢s economy. They served as a primary market for selling and trading, textiles, fur, leather, and other cultural products. There were a series of six fairs all located in prime trading spots (Locations: Lagny-sure-marne, Bar- sur-Aube, Provins, Troyes). Over time each fair became subtly more advanced, ultimately reaching a point of organization and development that was beyond its time. Merchants, as rapacious as they were, began to establish means of credit, contracts, and business partnerships for trade. Traders that came from over seas reasoned the creation of systems that made for flexible and efficient arrivals and departures. These traders even had delegated agents to receive payments for them. Word of who had what spread quickly as communication and transportation began to integrate.Show MoreRelatedThe Hundred Years War Essays1042 Words à |à 5 PagesThe Hundred Years War After the Crusades, trade began to revive in Italy, largely because neither trade nor towns had declined as much there as elsewhere. As trade grew in other countries, fairs were set up as places where merchants could exchange large amounts of goods. In 1346 the bubonic plague, a fatal disease, swept through Europe killing one third of the population. The Hundred Yearsââ¬â¢ War, which began in 1337 and was between England and France, brought important developments to EuropeanRead MoreEconomic Issues Of Texas State Government1609 Words à |à 7 Pagesstate income tax system are Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Washington, and Wyoming. Texasââ¬â¢ stance on no state income tax is a big motivating factor for families, and businesses to move to the area. Compared to other states in the nation Champagne, Anthony, (2015, January, 20) states ââ¬Å"Texans paid 44.97 in state taxes for each $1,000 of personal income, ranking it 46th among the 50 statesâ⬠(page 355). Howeve r, even though no state income tax sounds like an advantage, even a state like TexasRead MoreEssay About Elena753 Words à |à 4 PagesElena rolled her eyes, a devious smile playing at the edge of her lips as she sipped her champagne. Of course, he was going to bring up Grummond again. The whole thing was so exhausting, she sometimes wished shed just let him fuck her. 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In fact, as of 2014 roughly 17% of Texans did not have health insurance (Champagne et al. 423). Now more than ever individuals are in need of medical care due to aging, chronic diseases, and increasing obesity rates (Minton et al.) However, due to the exceptionally high costs that come along with health insurance, the percentage of uninsured individuals has managed to increase substantially (Champagne et al. 423 ) Therefore, leaving the stateRead MoreFeminism In Little Women1402 Words à |à 6 Pageson which young wives and mothers may consent to be laid, safe from the restless fret and fever of the world, finding loyal lovers in the little sons and daughters who cling to them, undaunted by sorrow, poverty, or age, walking side by side, through fair and stormy weather, with a faithful friend, who is, in the true sense of the good old Saxon word, the house-band, and learning, as Meg learned, that a woman s happiest kingdom is home, her highest honor the art of ruling it not as a queen, butRead MoreDr. David L. Snead s Thesis Statement938 Words à |à 4 Pages I believe that the Author: Dr. David L. Sneadââ¬â¢s thesis statement is as follows: How did George Browne, an American enlistee fair during World War I, with his sweetheart and himself. I shall show during this book review through several points of how Dr. David L. Snead shows this. First, we shall look at how he sets up the even ts in the book. Followed by, how Dr. David L. Snead puts to good use letters sent between Browne and Marty (his sweetheart). Then lastly, how he portrayed the American causeRead MoreEvaluation Of The Training Evaluation Process Essay1485 Words à |à 6 Pagesabsolute judgment. The rating sheet uses a scale of 1 to 5 in the absolute judgment that asks the rater to judge Zahraââ¬â¢s performance solely on the performance standards identified without comparing to other employees. This format of feedback can be more fair, specific, and helpful than relative formats (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin, Cardy, 2016, p. 209). The behaviors identified below are the observable terms of performance dimensions: o Serves the plate from the left, switches hands before serving the otherRead MoreExternal Forces That Effect Marks and Spencer1254 Words à |à 6 PagesAny one of these factors could affect the Marks and Spencerââ¬â¢s ï ¬ nancial results. To face these problems you use a policy guidance. On the 30th of January 2006 Marks and Spencer would be the first major retailor to go down the Fair-trade route on both clothing and food. The fair-trade policy included cut salt and fat in Marks and Spencerââ¬â¢s foods, recycled packaging and animal welfare protection. Economic Factors There are lots of examples to do with economic factors that affect Marks and SpencerRead MoreDr. David L. Snead s Thesis Statement952 Words à |à 4 Pages I believe that the author: Dr. David L. Sneadââ¬â¢s thesis statement is as follows: How did George Browne, an American enlistee fair during World War I, along with his relationship with his sweetheart. I shall show during this book review through several points of how Dr. David L. Snead shows this. First, we shall look at how he sets up the events in the book. Followed by, how Dr. David L. Snead, has put to wonderful use the letters that were sent between Browne and Marty (his sweetheart). Then lastly
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